MIST Applications

Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME)

Approval of the Establishment of BRIC (Biomedical Research and Innovation Center)

Approval of the Establishment of BRIC (Biomedical Research and Innovation Center)

In the new tower (Tower-4), BME department has setup offices and classrooms along with new seven state-of-the-art labs that can be utilized for advanced research to benefit the national health sector. In this facilitated configuration, a Biomedical Research and Innovation Center (BRIC) establishment proposal under the supervision of the BME Department to conduct research, innovation, development, and testing of various medical devices (Drugs and Equipment) has been approved at the Governing Body Meeting. BRIC could address this issue by providing support for lab and clinical trial activities in partnership with Dhaka CMH, with whom an MoU has already been signed.

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Important Links & Contacts

Mailing Address:
3rd Floor, Tower 4, Military Institute of Science & Technology (MIST), Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh.
Contact Information:
3rd Floor, Tower 4, Military Institute of Science & Technology (MIST), Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh.
Email: head@bme.mist.ac.bd (Dept Head), bmedpt1700@gmail.com (Dept)
Phone : +8801769024166 (Dept Head), +8801769024168 (GSO-2)